Specialist Carry Medical | Pack for Sheep
Medical Pack for Sheep | Specialist Carry
We started our Specialist Carry section to explore the outer boundaries of the carry world. We didn’t realize that we’d soon be looking at sheep. Or at least a medical pack for sheep. Yep, while it’s not something for the everyday person, this sweet little pack is a god send for farmers, and has already influenced other pack design…
Taking the principal of the camel pack, where you can suck water while running or riding (which tends to leave me gasping for more air than normal), Novartis Animal Health, one of the leading manufacturers of products in veterinary medicine, has worked with Flink to produce a carrying system for transporting and dispensing medication to sheep. Rather than sucking the liquids, you now squirt them.
Which would be pretty good for your next water gun fight! Imagine your kids running round with this on their backs squirting all sorts of liquids at people…
Side note::
Flink is a Swiss design consultancy that, amongst other things, specialize in innovative backpack design. Their flexible system for Ergon is probably the most widely known, but they have a bunch of other fun stuff.
So how will dispensing sheep medications change the carry world? Just check out a new bag they have done for Slicks in the UK. After seeing the above medical pack, does this look at all familiar? It’s a pack for bike commuting to the office, where the medications bladder has been swapped for a suit carrier. Nice looking pack hey…