Bags of the Bike Polo Championships
One of our newer contributors, Johnson, recently had the pleasure of attending the Australian Bike Polo Championships. Apart from taking part in the championships, Johnson took the initiative to snap a few shots of what bags everyone was rocking at the event.
Below is how it was in his words:
“Over the weekend of the 18th & 19th of September, Brisbane (Australia) was host to 20 bike polo teams battling it out for the national bragging rights as Australia’s best team.
On the first day, I decided to walk around and take photos of some of the bags the competitors have. Some of these people carry a bit of gear whether it is mallets, balls, protective gear, spare bike parts or beer (drinking and bike polo are pretty tight) so they generally have some sizable packs. Some of the competitors are working bike messengers also, so they know how to make the most of their carrying capacity.
Here is a selection of packs from the tournament.”
Obviously being bike minded, a lot of messengers were going to turn up, what surprised us what the number of different ones – all shapes and sizes.. Add to that all the stuff they are carrying and its interesting collection of shots for sure.
PS Wanna know more about Bike Polo? Here’s a bit about it > Bike Polo